In order to reduce environmental pollution in Mongolia, "TJTB" LLC, which is implementing the project of a recycling liquid food plastic waste (PET-PolyEthylene Terephthalate), which is generated every day, has received the permission to issue the first USD Green Bond in the domestic capital market from the Financial Regulatory Commission and the Stock Exchange of Mongolia.
This bond is the only green bond that has received the highest "Excellent" rating in the domestic market for the first time from the "Sustainable Fitch" agency, and it is going to be offered to investors soon.
“TJTB" LLC, through its "TML Plastic” factory, which is the first large-scale recycling factory in Mongolia, operates with the aim of recycling water and beverage plastic waste, reducing environmental pollution, saving depleting natural resources, bringing them into economic circulation, and contributing to a sustainable future.
Our firm is extremely pleased to have provided legal advice and cooperated in the work of the Green Bond, which aims to further expand the work for a green future.